Monday, January 29, 2007

New blog!

You've probably noticed it's been a while since I posted--there's a reason for that.

I've been working on building a new blog on my server, which until now has basically been worthless.

It's just about complete now. I've copied over all my old entries from Blogger, as well as all the old Diary-X entries I managed to salvage after their server went completely to hell.

There are a few things to fix yet--there's a missing image on the main page (it needed to die. It was an animated rotating skull and crossbones GIF) and some "Hi! Look how generic and uncustomized I am!" looking things scattered about. I'll get to these pretty soon.

I'm also not 100% I want to keep the theme. It's cool, but it's very dark.

If you have any comments, recommendations, or hey-this-here-don't-work, drop me a line at

You can find the new blog at